Friday, November 5, 2010

life with my baby :)

I'm the worst mommy blogger ever. I have to change that.

Mommyhood is going just as I thought it would. Some days are easy and some days are more challenging. I think my "exposure" to my 3 nephews has helped, since I've learned a few "techniques" from my sister on calming and caring for babies. I think she's a pretty relaxed baby.. most of the time. She's pretty fond of me :) and loves breastmilk more than any child I've ever known. She gulps it down like she's chugging coke. If she could chug coke, that is. And she won't be chugging coke for years to come.. I hope. Haha.. ahem.

We obviously have no routine right now, but she generally wakes up every 2.5 hours at night to eat. We've transferred her to her bassinet (she was sleeping in Hudson's "special" chair), and she seems to like it more. At night, she doesn't cry. I wake up to a little..

eh eh eh

lips smack smack smack

*annoyed sound*

eh eh eh

..and that's my sign to wake up and get her! I feed her and she falls right back to sleep. Hopefully me typing this isn't jinxing me.. if jinxing existed.. but nighttime goes pretty great. The biggest struggle, for us, is getting her to stay asleep initially.

And earlier when I said that she loved breastmilk, I wasn't joking. She gained 15 ounces in one week, which we found out at her second pediatrician's appointment on Wednesday. And her belly button fell off when she was just 6 days old. She's growing up on us! ;)

So these days are full of lots of feedings, lots of "shhing," lots of pats on her bottom, and me plotting my next nap. I really, really try to consciously remember that I'm going to miss this, and that I shouldn't wish away her newborn days. Sometimes I catch myself dreaming about the day when she can sit up and play and sleep for longer stretches.. but woah woah woah. I need to enjoy her right this second. Because I guarantee myself that I'll look back at her photos and miss her being so teeny tiny and vulnerable. I'm just sentimental like that :)


  1. Wow she looks a lot like her daddy...I thought for sure she was going to look like you. She is beautiful.Enjoy every moment as it does go by in a blink of an eye. Will you be going to Kentucky soon to show her to Clayton? I hope so as he will be so proud to be the big cousin.

  2. yes!! in two weeks for Thanksgiving, hopefully!!

  3. I still miss when my 6 year old was a little newborn. Such sweet memories. Just something about having your first child you never want to forget. She is beautiful, congrats :)

  4. she's soooo precious and sweet! she has the most perfect and round little head!

  5. she is so precious! And yes just enjoy this time while she so small and actually wants to be held all day! :)

  6. oh my goodness she is honestly one of the most beautiful newborns i've seen. those eyes!!
