How on earth does she memorize characters like that?!?!
She really wanted (REALLY WANTED) the big Peter Pan doll. Note that she's only seen Peter Pan *once* in the Jake and & the NP special on TV. She carried him around the whole time and her lip stuck out and she *almost* cried when we had to put him back at the end. A little heartbreaking. But she ended up getting Rapunzel instead. Way cooler :)
My belly is getting so big! The babies are definitely growing and I feel movement daily but not too often. It's sporadic just here and there! It feels like little squiggles in my uterus. I can't wait to be kicked hard and tell them apart based on location!
We decided on the diapers for the twins! Prefolds using Thirsties covers and Bummis covers:
And here's an example of a newborn in a prefold (not wearing a cover) in case you have no idea what I'm talking about:
You just stick the cute colorful cover over it and that's it! I've never used prefolds, so I have no idea what to actually expect. Some people love them and some people absolutely hate them. I'm going to force myself to love them since they'll be saving us lots of money :) Plus they're super cute!
This little nugget is 18 months old. 22.4lbs and 25% on weight, 75% on height, and 90% for a big head. I love my little munchkin to death. And that concludes this blog post.
So cute! We <3 cloth diapers here too. I used thirsties covers with prefolds in the beginning. That's before I discovered snappis. Snappis are so awesome! I think you'll like the prefolds. I prefer pocket diapers but definitely have used prefolds without a problem!