Saturday, February 28, 2009

hunky hubby update? kinda.

See this here hunky man I'm staring at? I miss him terribly!

One of my favorite people on this planet, Lisa, is a fellow Air Force Wife. She always has information to tell me. Lisa, Cara (her husband is Prince M's bunkmate!), and I always share info that we receive in phone calls or letters.

So Lisa got a phone call tonight. A 30 minute phone call tonight! Me? I got no phone call. But she did have some good news:

The gas chamber wasn't that bad (according to her hubby), and things are getting better. They completed their obstacle course, and I think he said it was fun. He didn't mention anyone getting in trouble. So that's good.

She also mentioned that her husband and a few other guys have started prayer group! They pray together each night. Her hubby sleeps right next to Prince M. I'm pretty certain that he is part of that group. He also said that the guys cry like little girls at church. I'm sure that's an adorable sight.

That's all. An indirect update of Prince M. Oh, and he only got a phone call because he was chosen to play tuba at a sporting event. Prince M plays bass drum. And, as we band people know, only one bass drum is needed at a time. sigh.

I'm basically living for Thursday. As are Lisa and Cara. Thursday = mail day in our world. I cannot wait. 3 more Mondays to get through before I see him. I bought some adorable clothes for graduation. I cannot wait!!

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