Saturday, March 6, 2010

the video we should submit to McDonalds

My older nephew sleeps like a rock... until Uncle Mark offers him a Happy Meal...

I'm pretty sure that this should be a commercial for McDonalds. Wadda ya think? Who here has connections to the marketing people at McD's?! Anyone? :)


  1. Haha that's so funny! I would think that would need to be a McDonald's commerical! Oh man Clayton is so cute!

  2. I just found your blog in the newest milspouse magazine! Hope you don't mind a new follower

  3. LOL, that is so cute!! And I just love your guys` accents! So adorable. :)

  4. hahaha. oh Clayton. Also, you guys sound really southern on this. it's so cute! :)

  5. Why dont you send this to McDonald marketing department. It would make a hilarious commercial...maybe it could stare Clayton!

  6. I can't believe that I never watched this video before, I love it!
