Wednesday, December 16, 2009

being home with my nephews means..

-keeping a really close eye to see what Hudsie has in his hands at all times
~~he totally ate a Christmas card today. Like, half the card was GONE. It now resides in his belly. Yummo!

-sharing a bed with Clayton and feeling his hard head on my back at night; it turns out that my back makes a great pillow!

-playing the ornament on the tree that plays "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" over and over because Hudsie likes to dance to the song

-being asked, "Wanna play with my Backugans?!" 59305 million times

-being taught HOW to play with Backugans 59305 million times because I don't understand boy toys

-having serious issues with buckling Clayton in the car...

-letting my nephews do whatever they want, whenever they want it -- thankfully, they make good decisions and have fun simply listening and dancing to Christmas music!

-being asked by Clayton, "Do you want to spend the night?!" every night!

-being told by everyone I see how "great of an aunt" I am :) true, true..

-discussing the gender of Sprout and the names that C sees fit for his new sibling. He is still dead set on Flower for his baby sister.

-photographing my nephews at every opportunity

-teaching Hudsie new things to say (he will repeat anything you ask him to -- his new favorite trick is putting his arms up and saying "TOUCH DOWWWWN!" in a deep, hilarious voice!)

-extending C's bedtime for "just 5 more minutes" whenever possible!

-zillions of hugs and smiles from H, who loves for me to hold him and pick him up!

-a thousand I love you's and cuddles from C -- very very precious; I'm afraid I won't get them for much longer! :[



  1. They are two of the most adorable little boys in the entire world. Though I'm pretty dead-set on wanting girls whenever that faithful day happens (which means I'll have boys), these two have opened my mind to the possibility of little boys. They're precious.

    I cannot WAIT to get home to my precious Ava and take lots of pictures with her with my new camera. You should be excited!! =)

  2. I like C's bi-wing airplane shirt.

    At least, I think that's the type of plane it is...

  3. hehe! I have no idea.. He got it for his birthday :]
