Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jamestown Schmanestown

Ahh, Jamestown. Our nation's birthplace. Where Pocahontas fell in love with Captain John Smith. Where I thought Lucy Ricardo was born - but it turns out that would be Jamestown, New York. Whoops.

Jamestown. What Mark and I lovingly refer to as: bricks and sticks.

We arrived, and there was this detour, you see. We finally drove all around and landed at Jamestowne and followed the cars in front of us. After paying $20, we wandered around a grassy area and toured lots of sticks and lots of bricks. We even saw two statues. After seeing absolutely nothing, we convinced ourselves to keep on truckin' in hopes of maybe finding something cool.

Nope. Nada. After getting a side stitch (no joke.. ) from walking to death, we hopped in the car and decided to go home. What a freakin bummer.

But then we saw another Jamestowne. Could this be true? Why, yes! After paying another $25, we came to find out that we paid for THE WRONG THING. What a scam. Even the employee lady said she hated the "other" part of Jamestown and felt like they steal your money for nothing. I could tell she felt sorry for us. And she did. She's such a sweetheart - she gave us a AAA discount - even though my card expired in August. I should have nominated her for employee of the month. Anyhow.

The "second" Jamestowne was full of ships and Indian villages and things. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. If you're looking for a good time, save the time & money and go to Williamsburg. There was zero interaction at Jamestowne - unless you count me getting screamed at for going up the wrong side of the ramp onto the boat.

Oh yes. An employee AND an old lady actually yelled at me "READ THE SIGNS!!!!!!" in front of everyone. Excuse me, but the sign was teeny tiny, and it was cream-colored. It didn't stand out, and therefore I didn't see it. Plus, I wasn't holding up traffic. Urgh. Some people take things a tad too serious. Anyhow.

As always, I kept you, my faithful bloggy readers, in mind, and I took loads of pictures:























A special thanks goes out to Christopher Columbus for discovering America and giving my husband a free day off work tomorrow. You're a real pal, Chris.

We have nothing on the agenda for tomorrow, but Saturday we are going to DC. My favorite part? The Natural History museum :) I'm pretty excited to feel a little bit like Ben Stiller. Tonight I got all my supplies to make homemade salsa, and I'm pretty excited about that!!

The rest of my night will be dedicated to MckMama's contest :) Wish me good "luck!!"


  1. Neato frito! I mean, except you got ripped off by a buncha jerks.

    I especially like the picture of Mark "proposing" to Pocahontas. Cracked me up!

    Yay for a day off tomorrow, and I can't believe I didn't get the stinking museum question right. Uugh, I am so lame!

  2. I know.. the lady said that she always feels bad when families with kids accidentally buy tickets for the crappy side of Jamestowne.. then they come to the good side and realize they made the mistake and spent all their money on THOSE tickets.. then have to spend even MORE for the good Jamestowne. Totally not fair :\ It was $20 for JUST me and Mark for the old side.. imagine if we had 3 kids!! We would have just had to miss out on the good Jamestowne :\ Someone should complain about that. hehe.

  3. Love the pictures of Mark and Pocohontas.... and what was that brick donut like thing he was in???

  4. LOL, I *too* thought the picture of your husband and Pocahontas was cute!
    And of course the Natural History Museum. I loved the first Night at the Museum movie.

    "Hey Dum Dum! Me want gum-gum!"
