Thursday, May 28, 2009


I forgot to tell yall that I'm heading back to Texas to see Mark on June 19th.

I do realize this is in 3 weeks. We can't stay away from each other.

He's irresistible. What can I say?

21 days and counting, folks.



  1. i hope your not buying another plane ticket to do this. for that money you could have just stayed there in a hotel the whole time. I would recommend just driving down, no chance of flight delays and turbulance. :)

  2. I don't want to stay down there for a month. Staying in a hotel and watching tv all day while I wait for him to get out of class doesn't sound fun for me. Besides, I have one last senior project to complete before I can get my diploma.

    don't worry. we can handle ourselves.

  3. i didnt say you couldnt handle yourself, just offering friendly advice. dont get all uppity, just a suggestion. no worries

  4. hmm that anonymous sounds like my sister

  5. nah not your sister. close tho

  6. I wish that anonymous option didn't exist. Weird.

  7. nah its not a big deal. just too lazy to make a permanent profile.

  8. Shannon, I don't understand why you don't just walk there. It'd be great exercise, it would be good for the environment, it wouldn't cost ANY money, and I mean, it will only take you like 7 years to get there. Oh, and get excited! When you finally got there, maybe you could camp out in a hotel for a month. That would be super cool. And pretty good for your marriage.

    Me? Sarcastic? Hah.
