Friday, September 25, 2009

clap your hands for C!

This week, my baby boy older nephew, C, was nominated Student of the Week.

Hold your applause until the end of this post, if you would. Thanks.

For this glorious occasion, he was assigned to create his own poster - using the layout his teacher provided. It would nearly be a sin to not share these photos with you.

Note: That's Elmo, baby dolls, and squash that he dislikes.

I know what you're thinking. Why was Shannie not listed in his favorite things box!?

Just kidding.

So if any of you bloggy readers could arrange a meeting with Santa, let him borrow a race car, or drive him to "Jeffries" aka Toys R Us, you would probably make his little day. Just sayin. My best friend comes to see me in 8 days!!!

I think we're going to take him to a live creature children's museum, either Jamestown OR Williamsburg, the beach, and maybe Virginia Zoo. I need to do lots of research! I am very excited. It will definitely be the highlight of my October!

Now go ahead and applaud my biggest nephew. He is a great kid and never withholds his sticky kisses from me.