Wednesday, April 22, 2009

wordless wednesday! (part I)

my airman!


  1. awww! So cute! I can hear you beaming with pride THROUGH the screen. yep. I can.

  2. I've had this picture for a month. it's been sitting in my room & a second copy on our piano. Butttt I just now got around to putting it up :] I'm still waiting for his graduation dvd to come - it has ALL the events from grad weekend. I wish I could copy the whole thing and put it on my blog!!!

  3. Oh, really?! Like, the AF records everything and sends out DVD's?! That's so neat! Hopefully it will come in soon!

  4. Yes! For a nominal fee of $50. Ha!! :] It shows the Airman's Run (they just run down the street.. it was my first glimpse of him. that was one of the best moments of my life!! i turned around to my parents said OH MY GOSH - HE IS SO HOTT!!!! ...I can't believe I screamed that.. ahem), then it has the Coin Ceremony, then the actual graduation and maybe something else.. I can't remember. but the camera guy was like RIGHT in my way of my view for mark during graduation, so I know Mark has to be in the video!! Surely.. since the man was right in front of him.. let's hope..
